Ethiopia, the only African country that has its own alphabet, also has 13 months in a year, and reads the time in a way that may seem strange to us: 12 o’clock is read as 6 o’clock, 4 o’clock becomes 10 o’clock. You get the picture. Now that we know a few interesting things about Ethiopia, let’s explore a little bit more with the help of The Perennial Plate’s Vimeo Staff Pick video about an adventure in this North African territory.
Let me start with an honest cliché, I really didn’t expect to be thrilled by this video. But I was. It must have been the energy of the background music, or maybe the fact that I had absolutely no idea what traveling in Ethiopia might be like. But now I do… and I can’t wait to experience it first-hand.
The video might suggest that it focuses entirely on the Ethiopian cuisine, but there’s more to it than that. Although it does present the richness of the food in culture, we are also given a glimpse of the outskirts of the country- the places where thick culture is usually found. We are given a wonderful representation of how amazing Ethiopia is, and what we can expect to find once we finally decide to set foot in the country.
Click here to watch the video.