Hitchwiki is a collaborative wiki website for hitchhikers, featuring information about hitchhiking and other methods of extremely cheap transport. The site is maintained by active hitchhikers from around the world and covers how to hitch out of big cities, how to cover long distances, maps and other hitchhiking tips. hitchwiki.org
Wikivoyage is the official treavel website of the Wikimedia Foundation (owners of Wikipedia). The site is in the same format as Wikipedia, articles on the site are compiled by volunteers. Wikivoyage is a nonprofit site and is not related to Wikitravel, which runs advertisements on its site. www.wikivoyage.org
Border Crossing Wiki
[Edit: Site has closed down.] Border Crossing Wiki is a site dedicated to border crossings worldwide. Some border crossing are a relatively simple process, while some are an absolute pain. The project covers information on land border crossings, airports and sea ports. As this is a wiki site anyone can add to the database and […]