Become a Contributor
Bookmark Travel accepts travel-related articles from writers with a passion for travel.
Write a blog post
We find that lists with lots of photos works well, so an example would be a photo essay of an interesting trip you took.
Curated (or bookmarked) lists are also good. For example check out the list of people who have climbed Mt Kinabalu as an example. This is a compilation of blogs about climbing Mt Kinabalu, which is a useful resource for those looking to do the same.
Suggest a travel video
There are so many quality travel videos being made now that it is hard to keep up. If you’ve made a cool travel video, or know of one, send it in for review to be a posted as a featured travel video.
Submit a travel photo
Have your travel photo featured here as a feature travel photo. Photos that have been published elsewhere are accepted; just a unique description to accompany the image and we will link back to the original source.
Bloggers can link to their own personal blog in article. Due to the amount of sponsored post requests, we don’t allow commercial links in the articles.
Contributors will get an author box with a blog link (if you have one). here is an example author page.
Contact us
Send your article proposal via the contact page.